From 8 to 64 Bits: Hong Kong in Videogames


Curation of eight videogames set in Hong Kong for multi channel video installation for  M+ Museum of art and Visual Culture in Hong Kong.  

Hong Kong’s M+ Museum of art and Visual Culture is one of the largest contemporary museums in the world. M+ aims to bring an Asian perspective to global visual culture.  Presented as part of inaugural opening exhibition, these eight videogames reflect distinct aspects and areas of the Hong Kong cityscape. Exhibited in the Main Hall Gallery within the exhibition: Hong Kong: Here and Beyond, the games highlight the historical and technical development of medium, and the city – its neon street scapes, humid conditions, urban geographies, street cultures, foods, and languages. Presented as video walk-throughs, participants can experience and appreciate the virtual architecture, landscape and atmosphere of Hong Kong in the videogame medium


Omikuji at C.H.A.T HK